Germán Calvi


Etiketten SA

Germán Calvi has over 30 years’ experience in the Graphic Industry, and comes from a graphics family. Don Ángel Chiozzi, his great-grandfather, founded the first printing press in the city of Gálvez in 1911. It has become without doubt the city that prints more square meters of labels in relation to its population.

In the 80's, thanks to the actions of an advertising agency, it became an integral workshop with process engraving, printing and finishing. In 1992 they were pioneers in Argentina in narrow web flexographic printing and digitalized pre-press. He was involved in the formation and development of three graphic printers, Etiketten being the current and fourth company. It is a national reference of print quality.

His role as owner and chairman of its board of directors is to manage all activities related to the development, printing, and delivery of products to the respective customers. He strives for the company to be a means of personal development for employees, beyond their individual function within it. "In my veins there’s more ink than blood," he says.

10 March, 2020 | 16:30
Southern Cone converter panel discussion

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